Snow! Beauty and Destruction
January 13, 2022

On January 3 a sudden, strong storm dumped between 10" and 12" of heavy, wet snow on the Tawes Garden & Arboretum. The results were beautiful, but damaging. While the Garden didn't suffer as badly as it might have, numerous large limbs were broken and tops torn out of trees, and debris forced the temporary closing of the pathway. Cleanup began as soon as it was physically possible to get back into the Garden. A Maryland Conservation Corps (MCC) crew, although brought in for a different job, pitched in energetically. Since they were down from Deep Creek Lake in Garrett Co. they weren't fazed by Annapolis snow!
While the immediate damage will soon be repaired, the effect on the Garden's plantings will be longer lasting and visible for some time. However, plants are the epitome of resiliency; they have seen such uncommon events before and will regroup, regrow, and flourish.